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// Hey there! Don't worry, nothing bad here, feel free to read the code, not obfuscated. // We fetch the keywords from SeoJuice // We replace the keywords in the content part of the website with the keywords. function init() { let currentPageUrl = window.location.href.replace(/(?<=&|\?)(utm_.*?|gclid=.*?|fbclid=.*?|msclkid=.*?)(&|$)/igm, ""); if (window.loadedSeojuice) { return; } window.loadedSeojuice = true; function showError(text) { console.error('[SeoJuice] Error:', text) } setTimeout(function() { fetch('' + encodeURIComponent(currentPageUrl)) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { var errors = data["errors"]; var base = data["base"]; var isAsian = data["isAsian"] || false; var alreadyReplaced = []; if (errors.length > 0) { errors.forEach((error) => { showError(error); }); return; } if ((window.location.origin + window.location.pathname) !== base) { showError("Link Base doesn't match"); } let links = data["suggestions"]; function replaceText(node, keyword, link) { if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) { if (node.tagName && node.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT' || (node.parentNode && node.parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase() === 'SCRIPT')) { return; } if (["H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "A", "CANVAS"].indexOf(node.parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase()) !== -1) { return; } if (node.parentNode.parentNode && ["H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "A", "CANVAS"].indexOf(node.parentNode.parentNode.tagName.toUpperCase()) !== -1) { return; } var parser = new DOMParser(); var doc = parser.parseFromString(keyword, 'text/html'); var plainTextPhrase = doc.body.textContent || ""; var escapedPlainTextPhrase = plainTextPhrase.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'); var match; if (isAsian) { match = node.textContent.match(new RegExp(escapedPlainTextPhrase, 'i')); } else { match = node.textContent.match(new RegExp(" " + escapedPlainTextPhrase, 'i')); } if (!match || alreadyReplaced.includes(keyword.toLowerCase())) { return; } if (isAsian) { match = node.textContent.match(new RegExp("(?<=[\\p{IsHan}\\p{IsBopo}\\p{IsHira}\\p{IsKatakana}]?)" + escapedPlainTextPhrase + "[\\.{!\\?}(|\\]\\\\]?(?![a-zA-Z])(?=[\\)\\/]?)"), 'i') } else { match = node.textContent.match(new RegExp("(?<=\\s?\\(?\\\"?)" + escapedPlainTextPhrase + "[\\.\\s{!\\?}(|\\]\\\\]?(?![a-zA-Z])(?=[\\)\\/]?)"), 'i') } if (match) { // Can't be the first word, so we look for space before and after. var anchorIndex = match[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword.toLowerCase()); if (anchorIndex !== -1) { if (match[0].toLowerCase().trim() !== keyword.toLowerCase() && [".", ",", "!", ")", "?", "\""].indexOf(match[0].toLowerCase().trim().slice(-1)) === -1) { return } var matchIndex = node.textContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(match[0].toLowerCase()); var newLink = link.cloneNode(true); var afterLink = node.splitText(matchIndex + anchorIndex); afterLink.textContent = afterLink.textContent.substring(keyword.length); node.parentNode.insertBefore(newLink, afterLink); alreadyReplaced.push(keyword.toLowerCase()); } } } else { Array.from(node.childNodes).forEach((node) => replaceText(node, keyword, link)); } } if (Array.isArray(links)) { links.forEach(function (link) { let el = document.createElement('a'); el.href = link.url; el.innerText = link.keyword; replaceText(document.body, link.keyword, el); }); } }) .catch(error => showError(error)); }, 10) } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init); init();